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Create MAJOR Shifts in Your Life With BioField Clearing!

Writer's picture: Jane Smolnik, NDJane Smolnik, ND

Updated: Feb 11, 2020

Are you ready to help yourself identify and clear out many old, stuck issues that cling to our DNA and usually work behind the scenes to limit our ability to create the successful, happy life we truly desire - it all it’s fabulous glory?

It is MORE than just affirmations, or clearing emotions, or tapping, or having a positive mindset. All of those things can be helpful of course, but they will not mitigate any underlying limiting beliefs, core fears, blocks, and inherited influences. Wait till you see just how much can be in our subconscious and unconscious field!

If you never want to feel stuck again, or have the same type of patterns repeat themselves, then you need to find out how to clear them.

It’s like peeling away layers of an onion, going deeper and deeper to get to the CORE of the issue and release it for good!

If you are a health practitioner, or energy healer, and you have clients who never seem to truly heal, you know they also have underlying issues that need to be identified and cleared. This can help your practice, and your life, tremendously!

This goes deeper than you can imagine! What if you could easily and quickly identify what is behind every illness, relationship challenge, financial blocks, self-sabotage, and more?

What are you truly healing in this lifetime? HINT: it is NOT about taking enough vitamins, herbs, CBD, or changing the diet drastically, These things can certainly help support the physical body, but as you know, we are SO much more than just physical beings.

Hi, This is Dr. Jane Smolnik. I am a Naturopathic Doctor, Iridologist, Certified Intuitive Healer, and Master Herbalist. I have been working in the holistic health field for well over 30 years. I have also been passionate about exploring our metaphysical and consciousness abilities, expanding our awareness to unlimited realms, clearing out old beliefs, and how exactly we create our reality. I have had extensive training since 1990 and am licensed to teach experiential courses on how we actually create our lives deliberately.

First of all, I believe that we are actually UNLIMITED! In fact, my favorite saying back in the 90’s was ‘Even my degree of certainty in my unlimitedness, is unlimited!’ We just keep expanding further. There is no END. Just like there’s no end to the internet!

I believe that each of us come into his lifetime with certain things we choose as a Soul to work on and heal, things that have been clinging to our DNA and limiting our success. Often these are buried in our subconscious field and exert themselves by default as we go about create a healthy, happy, productive, fulfilling, joyful life!

Did you know that we have over 25,000-35,000 building blocks in our DNA? Every cell in your body has the exact same DNA, and holds the Blueprint for your life - both positive and negative. Can we shift it, clear it? Absolutely.

We can have old trauma’s from our earlier life, prenatally, inherited, and even passed down from our ancestors, clinging to our DNA. We can have core fears, trapped emotions, inner challenges, and forms of self-sabotage, as well as addictions, that keep reappearing.

We can have blocks in our organs, tissues, glands and chakra’s, Our thinking ego-mind has it fears, doubts, worries, judgments, limitations, and more, which muddles up our view of reality, as well as our ability to create clearly what we truly desire.

As an example, have you ever tried to create a truly successful and abundant path in your work life, following your passion, only to discover you have an underlying unconscious belief that you are not good enough, or not deserving, or respected? Or not smart enough? I know I have!

Perhaps there is a real block in your root chakra, or your heart chakra, blocking your ability to RECEIVE. I know that was a real challenge for me that actually was handed down from many generations of struggles in life. No matter how passionate I was about creating my dreams, I always seemed to reach a glass ceiling, I felt ‘tethered’ like I had weights holding me back from really taking off and flying as high as I wanted to go.

There can be MANY layers of fears, doubts, circumstances, trauma’s, beliefs, even cultural trauma’s that can follow us around if they have not been truly healed, waiting for the miracle of release and healing!

EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US on this planet has some things to release, some negative influences that limit us. We are now in a time of rapid expansion and growth as we are being called to achieve increasingly higher states of greater awareness and sensitivity!

We are being called to transform and evolve to a new level of participating on this planet— a higher dimension of being - playing at a whole NEW level!

What if you could identify and clear a number of blocks, limitations, sub-conscious beliefs, and stuck energy in any area of your life? Easily, safely and completely?

What if you could accelerate your clarity, uncover your true purpose, raise your frequency, and manifest anything?

There is NO limit to what you can truly experience.

I have developed this course in BioField Clearing and have been using these charts for number of years. I realized that EVERYONE of us needs to do this work, clearing out all the negativity, old trauma’s, judgments, and more. It is truly a greatly needed service to humanity at this time.

My guides recently made it clear to me that I needed to teach this to other practitioners so they can offer it too. I though it was a brilliant idea! So they helped me fine tune this course to be available to anyone who wants to learn it, whether for personal use, or to get certified to use with others.

First, we find out what your main concerns are in life - such as a health issue, chronic pain, relationship issues, financial challenges, self-sabotage, insomnia, depression, or anything else.

Then we use 12 charts to quickly and easily identify what is holding you back, and how far back it goes. It can be a trauma from this lifetime, something that happened prenatally, or an inherited influence, even ancestral and cultural patterns or trauma’s that got stuck in the energy field and passed down to heal. It could even be unresolved past life issues you still haven’t completed.

Once identified, we use ancient Egyptian pendulums based on sacred geometry to create a powerful magnetic vortex to clear out the challenge from your energy field from all time, space and dimensions. We can clear a number of items fairly quickly.

Once it is cleared, we use another 6 charts to now add positive influences, empowering beliefs, what is needed for inner healing, what virtues are your gifts, and even what is needed for you to Master your Infinite Being-ness!

We use another powerful tool to infuse your energy field with this healing and balancing energy of Divine Golden Light, knowing it is the Highest aspect of your true self, the full expression and alignment with your inner Soul which fills you with rich fulfillment and true lasting healing.

If you are called to truly discover the depth and width of your innate skills, you are ready to work with us. Everyone can learn more about how their consciousness abilities work, and use them to your advantage. Learn the magic of connecting to the Quantum Field of Source Energy!

We invite you to participate in this course of true self evolvement. There is nothing else to prepare for. Transcend your limits. Only YOU can decide how far you will go.  Watch your life blossom as you experience more insights, more power, more love, more light, and more peace…..

Are you ready to go much further in your life? Does this give you chills? Does it seem like something you are drawn to do?

This is not for everyone, but so many of you are READY! If you are tired of making excuses, feeling limited or stuck in certain areas, not able to achieve all that your Soul desires, you maybe ready for this. You will know if it is something that resonates with you.

I will teach you how to MASTER this process - easily!

I am SO honored to be able to share this with the world. I am grateful to my inner Guides who have assisted me in this development. It is the accumulation of my life’s work, in service to humanity.

Right now you can get 20% OFF a personal BioField Clearing Session with me personally just by saying you read this blog or watched my webinar! Check out my website for more info.

Hurry, I will be accepting a limited number of students for this upcoming course. You might have to wait till the following one in the Spring. So if you are clearly interested, visit my website at and check out the BioField Clearing page.

Please join me for an upcoming webinar on Monday Dec. 16 at 7 pm EST to find out more. Check out our Practitioner Training Page for more details of upcoming courses.

If you would like a personal session with me, click on the link and tell me you read this.

Please join me in sharing this amazing healing protocol. Thank you! I am wishing the BEST and Highest Life possible.

Dr. Jane Smolnik is a Naturopathic Doctor, Iridologist, Certified Intuitive Healer, as well as the creator of the powerful BioField Clearing System. She has been a teacher, educator, writer, and healer in the holistic health field for over 30 years. Jane resides in Asheville, NC and works with people from all over. Please visit her website at: for more info or contact her at: 828-777-JANE (5263).


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Please note: Biofield Clearing is a natural method of energy clearing and balancing, but is not meant as a substitute for medical, or psychological, diagnosis and treatment. Please seek proper medical care whenever needed. 

Our Energy practitioners do not use hands-on treatments, diagnose conditions, nor do they perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.

Biofield Clearing or any other natural energy therapy should not compete with medical doctors and their treatments. All sessions are meant to complement medical treatments.

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